Population Modeling

Mathematical modeling of population growth

This project offers an in-depth exploration of various models of population growth, with a particular focus on Joel E. Cohen's Malthus-Condorcet-Mill model. This model tackles a crucial aspect of human choice often missed by the simplistic concept of ecological carrying capacity. Additionally, the project examines the significance of the Allee effect in population dynamics and aims to integrate it into Cohen’s model. By merging these two concepts, the project seeks to enhance our understanding of population dynamics and shed light on the implications of the Allee effect on population growth.




Research and Modeling


May 2023

Allee effect
Allee effect
Allee effect

Expanding our study of population dynamics, one of the concepts we delved into was the Allee effect. The Allee effect is a phenomena that describes how population size gets smaller, the growth rate decreases too, and reach zero or negative values. It is also described as an inverse density dependence. This is mainly related to a decrease in reproduction and survival. At low densities, probability of finding a mate decreases, and anti predator strategies may stop to work.

App Measure Weight Screen
App Measure Weight Screen
App Measure Weight Screen